Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Baby Born Greeting Wishes

Sal 4 seasons for the New Year

I am writing the last post of 2010, and wish you well as you want to propose an initiative to have some fun together and stitch in this new year.
The idea came together to Tiziana - Creamania : she had thought of this theme of the four seasons, and we decided to bring this scheme that I had. The
sal will be divided into four parts one for each season, and we will have three months to embroider doll each time ... so there will be:) You can publish
all phases of work on your blog ... and finally we have this beautiful picture!

So who wants to join me in this adventure and Tiziana? Watch this
embroidery ... it's impossible not to fall in love!
To participate just leave a comment here with your mail, or send me an email directly to:
If you want to advertise the initiative using the banner above.
Entries by Sunday, January 9 and then ... you go!

await you in many and the opportunity to wish you much peace, happiness and creativity for the year is about to begin.
A kiss!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why Are The Government Hiding Aliens

Fausto Paci played with these cards and Cavellini single issue where he appears, he is amused to make a book that I won a few days ago and I personally I have the honor of commenting in its essence and visual object.
participate to the infectious joy of Fausto, former mayor of his town of Marche, now eighty years of life and still lucidly ultra fun, a friend of GAC - Cavellini and admirer. Popularizer of this idea of \u200b\u200blight and pervasive his art and ironic communicative ...

conceptual operation between playful Fluxus, mail art and collecting. In a 85-page color book format cm. 16, 5 x 23.5 "every page has a postcard front and back from a different place ...

63 postcards from Cuba, USA, rgentina, Canada, Australia, Japan, ...

the two leaders of the republic in the world in black and white look like two statues or the profiles of ancient coins ...

an episode repeated in the pages and the world as many times as are my spring ...
in different places someone has posted in the stamped postcard and the postcard arrived in Viale della Vittoria, 233. to testify that the post office around the world operate and do their duty ...
the recipient was Fausto Paci, who calls himself " motionless travelers and" now that the Internet allows us to be in many different poets, almost simultaneously in many different places and far from each other .. .

Cavellini face to face with Fausto PACI ...

two profiles that size in black, as invisibilia men lost their eyes, the folds of the eyes, nostrils, purses, eyelashes and eyebrows ...

a collection of postcards from t ll over the world came to Fausto, in Porto San Giorgio ... he picked up and published this book where he declares in the title: THERE ARE NEVER BEEN in those places even if those are apparently The places where PACI, Ambassador Cavellini took the name of his represented.

25 minutes ago ·